Hidro Mentori shpk
Legal status: Company with limited liability
NIPT identification number: L11703004N
Company owner: Mentor Kadrijaj

Hidro Mentori shpk is a private company that started its activity in 2005 in Kosovo and in 2011 in Albania. The main activity of the company is import and delivery of quality products according to modern standards for water supply and sewerage in Kosovo and Albanian market. The Hidro Mentori was created as a necessity of the Albanian market for quality products with Western standards for the construction of safe and long-term systems for water supply and sewerage.
The main objective of the company is to offer for the Kosovo market and Albania Western quality products with competitive prices and technical support for our customers in the construction of high-security water and sewage systems. Our goal is to offer to our market the highest quality products at competitive prices and with technical support to reach the satisfaction of our customers.


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    The company has started its activity since early 2002 as part of the German company Friatec offering support from Germany for the market in Kosovo and Albania. The company has initially started its activity by informing the market for new polyethylene products as a novelty for secure water and sewerage systems by presenting numerous presentations, seminars and trainings in the state and private sector.

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    The Company NT Mentori shpk was founded in Kosovo in the city of Gjakova

    After the continuous increase of demand for recorders and polyethylene pipes it became necessary to open a company in Kosovo as part of Friatec to create facilities in technical support and supply of products according to market needs. In 2005, NT Mentori Shpk Company was founded in Gjakova / Kosovo starting its activity as an independent but guided and supervised by Friatec.

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    Opening in Pristina

    Seeing that the company’s activity was expanding every day all over Kosovo in 2011, the company’s headquarters moved from Gjakova to Pristina to oversee market well-being.

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    Opening in Tirana

    Following the growing demand for products for water supply and sewerage in Albania in 2011, the company was established NT Mentori Shpk in Tirana, which would become the headquarters of the company while also in cooperation with the company in Kosovo.

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    After the opening of the headquarters in Tirana, the company continued to expand its activity by offering all the range of water and sanitation products such as pipes and polyethylene recorders, pipes, cast iron and steel, valves and accessories of all types of cast iron and bronze, water meters, water pumps, various types of welding and cleaning tubes and polyethylene recorders, loss tracking equipment and other lines tracking.